
Solutions for detection of non-technical losses in the electricity grid: A review

JL Viegas, PR Esteves, R Melício, VMF Mendes, SM Vieira
in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

Keywords: | Energy | Non technical losses | Fraud detection | Review |

December 1, 2017

This paper is a review of literature with an analysis on a selection of scientific studies for detection of non-technical losses. Non-technical losses occurring in the electric grid at level of transmission or of distribution have negative impact on economies, affecting utilities, paying consumers and states.


Classification of new electricity customers based on surveys and smart metering data

JL Viegas, SM Vieira, R Melício, VMF Mendes, JMC Sousa
in Energy

Keywords: | Energy | Smart grid | Electricity customer classification | Clustering |

July 15, 2016

This paper proposes a process for the classification of new residential electricity customers. The current state of the art is extended by using a combination of smart metering and survey data and by using model-based feature selection for the classification task.
