IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems 2021

International Conference

September 27, 2020


The IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems 2021 (Fuzz-IEEE) is taking place in Luxembourg from July 11th-14th 2021:

FUZZ-IEEE 2021 is the premier annual conference in the field and provides a unique meeting point for scientists and engineers, from academia and industry, to interact and discuss the latest enhancements and innovations. The topics of the conference will cover all aspects of theory and applications of fuzzy sets and systems and its hybridisations with other artificial and computational intelligence techniques. Under its 2021 theme, ‘Handling Uncertainty in Interpretable AI’, the conference will emphasise the handling of uncertainty, in particular in the context of interpretable and interactive AI, actively promoting engagement across disciplines.

Paper submission deadline: Feb. 10, 2021

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