AI4Life - Artificial intelligence as an instrument for the reduction of infant and youth mortality: understanding its determinants and predicting outcomes

Main Research Area: Data Science
Principal Investigator: Susana Vieira, Centre of Intelligent Systems, IDMEC
Funding: National FCT Project (DSAIPA/DS/0054/2019)




The digital transformation of the Public Administration is imperative so that the necessary mechanisms can be developed to reduce the number of years of life lost and to increase the quality of life of the population. The main objective of this project is to leverage existing information in public administration databases and others in order to support decision-makers regarding the best response to emerging diseases, better adaptation of public health intervention programs and improve the capacity of the health systems in the future.

The data proposed for this work will provide important information in terms of morbidity, sociodemographic and socioeconomic context of the entire Portuguese population, and are available mainly in the following databases: 1 Hospital Morbidity Database (BDMH); 2) Information System of Death Certificates (SICO); 3) National Health Service Information and Monitoring System (SIM@SNS) and Monitoring System of Regional Health Administrations (SIARS), which includes records of follow-up of children in Primary Health Care. In addition, several other important sources of data will be consulted.


Main Contractor: Instituto de Engenharia Mecânica (IDMEC)

Participating Institutions: Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa (FM/ULisboa); Faculdade de Ciências Médicas (FCM/UNL); Direcção-Geral da Saúde (DGS)

Main Research Unit: Laboratório Associado de Energia, Transportes e Aeronáutica (LAETA)


Principal Investigator: Susana Margarida da Silva Vieira

Researchers: Maria Cristina de Brito Eusébio Bárbara Prista Caetano; Fernando Miguel Teixeira Xavier; Joaquim Paul Laurens Viegas

Co-investigador Responsável: João Miguel Costa Sousa

IS4 tasks: | Data extraction | Data preprocessing | Feature selection | Data based modeling | Model evaluation |