Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy modeling using mixed fuzzy clustering

CM Salgado, JL Viegas, CS Azevedo, MC Ferreira, SM Vieira and JMC Sousa
in IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Volume: PP, Issue: 99 [link, pdf]

June 14, 2016


This paper proposes the use of mixed fuzzy clustering (MFC) algorithm to derive Takagi-Sugeno (TS) fuzzy models. Mixed fuzzy clustering handles both time invariant and multivariate time variant features, allowing the user to control the weight of each component in the clustering process. Two model designs based on MFC are investigated. In the first, the antecedent fuzzy sets of the TS model are obtained from the clusters obtained by the MFC algorithm. In the second, fuzzy models based on fuzzy c-means (FCM) are constructed over the input space of the partition matrix generated by MFC. The proposed fuzzy modeling approaches are used in health care classification problems, where time series of unequal lengths are very common. MFC-based TS fuzzy models outperform FCM-based TS fuzzy models in 4 out of 5 datasets and k- Nearest Neighbors classifiers in 5 out of 5 datasets. Dynamic time warping performs better than the Euclidean distance in 1 dataset and similarly in the remaining. Given the different nature of time variant and invariant data, the choice of a clustering algorithm that treats data differently should be considered for model construction.

Keywords: | Fuzzy systems | Mixed fuzzy clustering | Clustering | Intensive care unit |