
Heuristics for three-dimensional steel cutting with usable leftovers considering large time periods

JL Viegas, SM Vieira, EMP Henriques, JMC Sousa
on European Journal of Industrial Engineering

Keywords: | Optimization | Cutting & packing | Heuristics | Three dimensional steel cutting |

January 1, 2016

The supply of steel blocks with customised dimensions for clients within the metalworking industry requires the effective management of a large and highly variable stock of steel blocks. This paper proposes a cutting decision process for daily tailored orders of a real-life steel retailer.


Ensemble fuzzy models in personalized medicine: Application to vasopressors administration

CM Salgado, SM Vieira, LF Mendonça, SN Finkelstein and JMC Sousa
on Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence

Keywords: | Clustering | Fuzzy systems | Ensemble modeling | Intensive care unit | Personalized medicine | Vasopressors |

November 14, 2015

This paper proposes ensemble fuzzy modeling for personalized medicine in the intensive care unit (ICU), in particular for the prediction of vasopressors administration.


Fuzzy Modeling to Predict Severely Depressed Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction following Admission to the Intensive Care Unit Using Clinical Physiology

RDMA Pereira, CM Salgado, A Dejam, SR Reti, SM Vieira, JMC Sousa, LA Celi, SN Finkelstein
on The Scientific World Journal

Keywords: | Fuzzy systems | Left ventricular ejection fraction | Intensive care unit |

July 6, 2015

This paper proposes fuzzy modeling for predicting severely impaired left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) using patient data routinely collected in the ICU.
